Polished Concrete Floors

How Frequently Should Polished Concrete Floors be Maintained by a Professional?

How can you tell it’s time for your polished concrete floor to be professionally cleaned & polished, again? Consider the following:

Polished concrete floors are a low maintenance solution that is ideal for residential and commercial use. If you’re a new polished concrete floor owner, you might be wondering how frequently your polished concrete floors should be maintained by a professional? The reality is, maintenance times vary based largely on the amount of foot traffic, wear and tear, and weathering that the flooring endures. Daily cleaning and basic maintenance can lengthen the total time needed in-between professional maintenance of your floor.

  • High foot traffic will minimize the amount of time between necessary floor maintenance. Low foot traffic areas can go up to 5 years in between maintenance with proper care.
  • Weathering will increase the need for floor maintenance. This includes weathering from direct sunlight or from rain drops being left on the surface of the floor.
  • Weekly cleaning can extend the life of your polished concrete floors to minimize maintenance needs

Recognizing the Need for Polished Concrete Floor Maintenance

Polished concrete floors are durable and they’re tough, but they do require some essential maintenance in order to keep the surface clean and shiny. Knowing how to recognize the need for maintenance is important. Pay attention to the following signs that maintenance might be necessary for your polished concrete flooring:

  • Loss of surface shine and gloss.
  • Chipping or peeling of floor surface.
  • Surface stains that cannot be removed with at-home concrete floor cleansers.
  • Water spots or surface spotting in areas of the floor.

All too often, polished concrete floors are sold to property owners as a “Maintenance free” solution or “No Maintenance” flooring option. The result is owners not taking care of their polished concrete flooring the way they probably should be. The truth is, polished concrete floors are not a maintenance free flooring solution. They do require basic maintenance by the property owner as well as periodic maintenance by a professional polished concrete floor specialist to ensure the floor maintains its original shine.

Importance of Proper Polished Concrete Floor Maintenance

Most professional flooring experts require a three phase polished concrete floor maintenance approach in order to restore a polished concrete floor to its previous glory. Generally, every 2-3 years, a polished concrete floor with regular foot traffic and weathering will require professional maintenance. Keep in mind that this timeframe is an estimate that may be extended, or reduced, based on the amount of traffic and weathering involved along the floor surface.

The three phase polished concrete floor maintenance process involves:

  • Restoration to address any stains or spills.
  • Protection to prevent future stains and additional wear and tear.
  • Maintenance to restore the floor’s original shiny finish.

As a polished concrete floor owner, the amount of time between professional maintenance calls can be extended with proper care of the floor’s surface. This involves cleaning any spills or stains immediately, removing large debris from the surface by hand, and using a microfiber dust mop to clean any left behind dirt to prevent abrasion of the surface which will reduce the shine of the floor.

While polished concrete floors are durable and long-lasting by nature, they are certainly not maintenance-free. Maintaining a regular, daily cleaning and upkeep schedule will ensure your polished concrete floors stay looking shiny and new for as long as possible and, when you happen to notice the shine is no longer present on your polished concrete floor, consider reaching out to a professional at Craftsman Concrete Floors for proper maintenance.

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